衆議院議員 静岡県第7選挙区城内 実

国家国民のための信念を貫く男 信念



◎ 政 治 ◎ デフレ(英訳)

2012.06.13 ピックアップ

 Deflation is when demand decreases and prices fall. Due to this, the income of the people also falls. As a result, demand declines further, prices fall, and incomes fall even lower in a vicious circle, which repeats in a so-called deflationary spiral. In the end, the national economy collapses. In other words, deflation occurs when capitalism has broken down.
 On the other side, inflation is when demand increases and prices rise. Prices do rise, but demand rises to the same extent, so employment and incomes also rise. Steep inflation is a problem, because incomes do not keep up with prices. Inflation of about 2 to 3% per year, however, is thought to rather promote economic growth.
 Despite this, among Japanese people the memory of the collapse of the bubble economy is heard to efface, so there is an undefined fear of inflation. However, in reality, deflation is much more frightening, and capitalist societies must avoid it. Up to this year, Japan has experienced fourteen consecutive years of deflation. The GDPs of 1991 and 2011 were both 470 trillion yen, so nominal GDP did not increase at all over these 20 years. Moreover, tax receipts decreased from 60 to 41 trillion yen over the same period.
 The cause of the decline in tax revenue can be found in the structural reform carried out under the dubious slogan “from state to private”, and more directly in the corporation tax cuts. At first, people thought that if they cut taxes, private investment would increase, and the economy would improve. But, in the event, the profit from the tax cuts was invested overseas, and did not increase domestic demand. This was a great failure on the part of the government of the time to understand the deepening globalization of the economy.
 上述の通り、デフレとは資本主義国ではあってはならない状況だ。したがって、デフレの下ではたとえ債務超過であっても、国は公共投資や公的雇用の拡大などの積極財政をとらなければならない。 逆に、インフレが進んだときは、緊縮財政をとり、増税を行うなどして抑制を図ることが望ましい。上り坂ではアクセルを踏み、下り坂ではブレーキを踏む。当たり前のことではないか。
 In addition, setting aside the question of whether structural reform should be carried out under inflationary conditions, this was carried out under deflationary conditions: a further problem.
 As I said earlier, capitalist societies must avoid deflation. Therefore, under deflation, the government must adopt interventionist fiscal policies and increase public sector employment, however enormous the national debt. On the other hand, when inflation is rising, it is a good idea to adopt austerity policies, raise taxes, and otherwise try to control it. When going uphill, step on the gas; when going downhill, apply the brake. Isn’t it common sense?
 But, idiotically, Japan has taken absolutely the wrong measures over the last 20 years. It applied anti-inflationary policies under deflation. The fruits of this are a recession with no end in sight and an unsettled society.
  In this respect, the change of government in 2009 should have been an ideal opportunity to escape from the long-continued failed policy of the LDP. Despite this, the DPJ has not reconsidered these policies, and PM Noda has gone as far as to say, “I will stake my political life” on raising taxes, as the Finance Ministry’s ventriloquist’s dummy. The DPJ’s “politicians in charge” was nothing more than ignorant politicians implementing all of the Finance Ministry’s policies: “The Finance Ministry in charge”.