衆議院議員 静岡県第7選挙区城内 実

国家国民のための信念を貫く男 信念



◎ 政 治 ◎ 丹羽大使と竹島(英語)

2012.08.29 ピックアップ

 しかし、更迭の時期は、日中国交正常化40周年や共産党指導部の交代等の行事ののち10月以降になるとのことである。いかにも民主党らしい対中配慮だが、中国の新体制がより反日的になるおそれがあり、かつわが国固有の領土である尖閣諸島への活動家上陸等の安全保障上の問題が提起されている今、むしろすぐにでも更迭すべきである。 丹羽氏の手ひどい失敗のせいで、当面民間人の主要国大使への就任はないだろう。素人の、しかも赴任国に強い利害を持つ「商人」が中国などという多くの問題を抱える軍事大国の大使に就くことの悪影響、そしてその末路は、私がいろいろなところで指摘してきたとおりになってしまった。丹羽氏就任を「民間出身大使定着への試金石」と述べた岡田副総理(当時は外務大臣)に是非とも所感を伺いたいものである。
Dismissal of the Japanese Ambassador to China
 The de facto dismissal of the Japanese Ambassador to China, Uichiro Niwa, has been decided. In an interview in the English FT of June 1st, Ambassador Niwa said, on the topic of Tokyo Prefectural Governor Shintaro Ishihara’s plans to purchase the Senkaku Islands, “If [these] are acted upon, then it will result in an extremely grave crisis in relations between Japan and China”.
 The official position of the Japanese government is that there is no doubt that the Senkaku Islands are clearly an inherent territory of Japan, in light of historical facts and based upon international law. Indeed, the Senkaku Islands are under the valid control of Japan. There exists no issue of territorial sovereignty to be resolved concerning the Senkaku Islands. However, Mr Niwa’s statement might give the false impression that there are questions over the territorial status of Senkaku Islands. If the Chinese were so unwise as to take the issue to the international community, they would surely raise this statement. His dismissal is natural.
However, the timing of his dismissal looks to be in October or later, after the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China and after the succession of the new leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. This is typical DPJ consideration for China, but given the danger that the new Chinese leadership will be more anti-Japanese and the security problems raised by the landing of Chinese activists on Japanese territory, the Senkaku Islands, he should rather be dismissed immediately.
 Thanks to Ambassador Niwa’s terrible mistake, there will surely be no appointments of ambassadors from the private sector to major powers for the time being. The bad influence and the results of appointing an amateur, furthermore a “merchant” with strong interests in China, a military power with which there are many issues, have turned out exactly as I predicted on many occasions.
 I would like to ask Deputy Prime Minister Okada what he now thinks, given that when he was Foreign Minister he described Mr Niwa’s appointment as “a touchstone for the normal appointment of ambassadors from the private sector”.
 8月10日、韓国の李明博大統領が竹島に上陸した。竹島は、歴史的事実に照らしても、かつ国際法上も明らかにわが国固有の領土である。にもかかわらず、長らく、韓国により不法占拠が行われている。国際社会の一員として、きわめて非常識かつ、無分別な許しがたい行動である。 これにとどまらず、李大統領は15日、日本の統治時代に亡くなった独立運動家に対し心から謝罪することが天皇陛下の訪韓の条件であると述べた。死に体となっている自身への支持回復という利己的理由により竹島訪問に加え今回のような放言まですることは、韓国の国益も著しく害することを強く指摘しておきたい。 
The Takeshima issue
 On the 10th of August, South Korean President Myung-bak Lee landed on Takeshima Island. In the light of historical facts and based upon international law, it is apparent that Takeshima is an inherent part of the territory of Japan. However, Takeshima has long been illegally occupied by South Korea. This action is totally unreasonable and hard to forgive in a member of international society.
 Not content with this, President Lee said on the 15th that the condition on a visit to South Korea by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan was that he apologises from his heart to Korean independence activists who died under Japanese rule. I would like to stress that resorting to such actions as visiting Takeshima and such irresponsible statements for the purely selfish reason of recovering his lost popularity, will seriously damage even South Korea’s national interests.
 In the first place, historical problems between Japan and South Korea were resolved by Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea of 1965. Nevertheless, the South Korean government and people are still pursuing extra-legal demands for compensation against our country.
 This South Korean attitude has been spurred on by the DPJ’s cringing diplomatic attitude toward South Korea, exemplified by the “Kan Statement”. It is essential to take back to the government from the anti-Japanese elements of the DPJ and restore diplomatic relations to a normal state.