衆議院議員 静岡県第7選挙区城内 実

国家国民のための信念を貫く男 信念



◎ 政 治 ◎ 対中外交の要諦とは(英語)

2012.10.05 ピックアップ

「対中外交の要諦とは(The Main Principle of China-facing Diplomacy)」
 Since the announcement of the Japanese government’s purchase of the Senkaku Islands in July, assertive activities, including violations of Japanese territorial waters by Chinese government and fishing vessels, have greatly increased.
 Moreover, many anti-Japanese demos have been held all over China. In this time, some Japanese people have suffered violence and some Japanese companies have taken serious damage from rioting. Nevertheless, the Chinese authorities are in a position to suppress popular illegal activities, and to ensure the safety of Japanese people in China. But, astonishingly, one Chinese diplomat even said that the situation in China is Japan’s fault.
 The main principle of diplomacy is to wear the other person’s shoes. However, diplomacy is not just keeping the other person happy, which seems to be Japan’s current policy. The reality is that China, taking advantage of Japan’s gentlemanly attitude, is using anti-Japanese sentiment as a safety valve for popular discontent with the Chinese authorities.
 In this case, we should learn from China and take actions that “annoy” China, bring real consequences.So what would “annoy” China? I suggest the following three points.
 First, China is economically dependent on Japanese companies, especially for employment. The government should discourage Japanese companies from new investments in China. In addition, Japanese companies which are already established in China should be encouraged to shift to Vietnam and other South East Asian countries by subsidies.
 Second, to pursue human rights problems within China in the international community. The Chinese authorities are committing serious violations of human rights against Tibetans, Uyghurs and groups such as Falun Gong. Japan should raise the human rights situation in China in all international fora without flinching.
 Third, to freeze economic aid to China. Providing economic aid to a country with a larger GDP than your own is fundamentally weird, but Japan should immediately freeze it as a natural reaction to illegal Chinese activities around the Senkaku Islands.
 We should probably also consider various other steps such as trade restrictions or making China’s specialty of intellectual property violations into a big issue.
 In any case, Japan should maintain a firm posture and take measured steps to address the situation through more concrete policies.