衆議院議員 静岡県第7選挙区城内 実

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◎ 政 治 ◎ 山中伸弥教授のノーベル賞受賞に思ふ(英語)

2012.10.13 ピックアップ

「山中伸弥教授のノーベル賞受賞に思ふ(Thoughts on Prof. Yamanaka’s Nobel Prize)」
 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Shinya Yamanaka, Professor at Kyoto University. This is an amazing accomplishment, and I would like to express my utmost respect and sincere congratulations.
 Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which can differentiate into the various organs and tissues of the body, are expected to be used in the treatment of intractable diseases, development of new medicines, and regenerative medicine. This achievement opens new vistas for 21st century medicine, will revitalize Japan’s medical industry, and will benefit the whole human race. This discovery holds enormous potential and significance, and gives me another reason to be proud to be Japanese.
 Prof. Yamanaka is the 19th of Japan’s laureates (including Dr. Yoichiro Nambu with American nationality). According to last year’s statistics from MEXT, the countries which had received more Nobel Prizes than Japan are the US (321), Britain (107), Germany (81), France (55), Sweden (31), Switzerland (27), and the former Soviet Union or Russia (20). As these statistics show, Nobel laureates are overwhelmingly historically Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, and Jews. I hope that the number of Japanese Nobel Prize winners will surpass that of Germany, my second home country, in the future.
 他方、わが隣国の状況はどうか。このたび中国莫言氏の文学賞受賞が決まったが、これまでの受賞者は、民主活動家でいまだ投獄中の劉暁波氏のみであった。中国の一部(と中国当局は主張する)出身の方という点だけでいえば、ダライ・ラマ法王も平和賞受賞者であるが、中国当局にとっての「反体制派」 が二人も「平和賞」を受賞しているというのは非常に皮肉なことである。
 On the other hand, what is the situation in our neighboring countries? The Chinese author Mo Yan has just won the Nobel Prize in literature, but before that China’s only Nobel Prize winner was Liu Xiaobo, a pro-democracy activist, who is still imprisoned there. Moreover, taking into account a Nobel laureate who was born in the alleged “part of China”, Tibet, the Dalai Lama (the Tibetan spiritual leader), raises the number of earlier Nobel Prizes to two. But it is really ironic that both Chinese winners were dissidents.
 If you consider just Nobel laureates since 2000, there are eleven Japanese, including Prof. Yamanaka, second only to America. But obviously, this does not mean that Japan was a backward country before that.
 For example, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Why didn’t Shibazaburo Kitazato or Hideyo Noguchi win it?
 And then, the Nobel Prize in Literature. The only two Japanese winners are Yasunari Kawabata and Kenzaburo Oe. Why didn’t great authors such as Naoya Shiga, Jun’ichiro Tanizaki or Yukio Mishima, who are at least their equals, win?
 There may have been a handicap, because they wrote in Japanese, which is not widely spoken. But wasn’t there a kind of prejudice or incomprehension on the part of Westerners? I would like to ask Prof. Donald Keene about this.
 Moreover, why was our local hero from Hamamatsu, the father of television, Kenjiro Takayanagi, who first succeeded in transmitting and receiving images on a cathode ray tube, not considered worthy of a Nobel Prize?
 As the above examples show, great achievements are not always rewarded with a Nobel Prize. But there are many researchers who devote their lives to research in the hope of one. Therefore, the nation should not only put its energy into the further promotion of science and technology and improve the research and development environment, and consider not just decorating Nobel laureates but also giving them a prize of around 500 million yen. Prof. Yamanaka’s discovery has such economic value that we can write off the cost of such an award if the knowledge is put to practical use. If we can boost our national prestige and industrial development by creating such conditions, it is killing two birds with one stone. Well, it may be “killing three birds with one stone” if we can indicate the failings of and show the right way to a certain neighboring country which is interested only in military buildup and producing copies which violate the rights of others.